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Cryo Cooler

21,00€ 30,00€
Dispositivo cosmético que utiliza el mecanismo de la Crioterapia para aliviar el calor de la piel. Ejerce un efecto refrigerante inmediato y de larga duración sobre la piel, resolviendo diversos problemas cutáneos.
  • Refresca la piel dañada tras un exceso de exposición solar
  • Calma la piel irritada después de tratamientos médicos como el láser
  • Efecto reafirmante, anti-inflamatorio y vasoconstrictor
  • Alivia la inflamación de cualquier zona del rostro y cuerpo
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Tamaño: 125 ml
Categoría: Accessories
Tipo de Piel: All skin types, Acneic Skin, Oily Skin, Mixed Skin, Dry Skin, Sensitive Skin, Normal Skin INFO
Preocupación: Sensitivity, Redness
Rutina recomendada INFO



  • Placa: Duraluminio
  • Refrigerante: Gel polimérico
  • Asa: Plástico

Mode of employment


Guárdalo en la nevera o en el congelador por más de 3 horas

Antes de utilizarlo, limpia la placa de enfriamiento con un paño suave y déjalo reposar durante 1-2 minutos después de sacarlo de la nevera o el congelador.

Presiona suavemente y masajea la piel con el aplicador.

Después de su uso, lávalo con agua corriente y límpialo con un paño seco.

TIP 1 - Para aliviar el calor de la piel: Después de una exposición solar excesiva o de un tratamiento con láser, repara la piel irritada, aliviando el calor de la piel, gracias a su complejo de proteína hidrolizada. Aplica PLC Erystop Gel sobre la piel y masajéalo suavemente con el Cryo Cooler congelado o refrigerado.TIP 2 - Para calmar la piel sensible: Con un 95% de Extracto de Centella Asiática, calma e hidrata la piel sensible y deshidratada inmediatamente.  Aplica el Gel Calmante CICA Regen 95 Ssoothing gel sobre la piel y realiza un suave masaje con el Cryo Cooler congelado o refrigerado.TIP 3 - Cuidado especial con las mascarillas en velo: Coloca una mascarilla “SHEET MASK” (3 opciones) sobre el rostro y masajea suavemente con Cryo Cooler congelado/refrigerado, para aliviar el calor y mejorar la absorción de las esencias impregnadas en las mascarillas de velo desechables.

Cryo Cooler

Dr. Ceuracle's Cryo Cooler is a cryotherapy device that soothes reddened skin and relieves skin heat caused by various external damage or medical procedures. With each use, it helps reduce inflammation and redness due to vasoconstriction, achieving a momentary tightening effect on the skin.
Its large cooling plate (diameter 75 mm) has an easy-grip handle and can be used to give a gentle massage with veil masks or other soothing products, relieving skin inflammation in any area of ​​the body and face.
We use Duralumin (beer can material) which has a conductivity three times that of metal. The Duralumin plate is capable of maintaining the cooling effect for up to 3 hours.


The ideal skin temperature is 31°C

When skin temperature rises 1°C, sebum secretion increases and pores appear more dilated.

If it reaches 36.5°C, the dermis begins to be damaged.

If it reaches 40°C, the production of the enzyme that breaks down collagen increases, causing wrinkles and aging.


It is a medical therapy that uses low temperatures to treat muscle pain, sprains, inflammation and various skin conditions.

Our Cryo Cooler is based on the mechanism of cryotherapy, relieving the heat of skin irritated after sun exposure or sensitized by medical procedures such as lasers or peels.

*It is not a medical device that prevents or cures diseases.

Cryo Cooler de Dr. Ceuracle
Dr. Ceuracle

Cryo Cooler

21,00€ 30,00€

Cryo Cooler

Dr. Ceuracle's Cryo Cooler is a cryotherapy device that soothes reddened skin and relieves skin heat caused by various external damage or medical procedures. With each use, it helps reduce inflammation and redness due to vasoconstriction, achieving a momentary tightening effect on the skin.
Its large cooling plate (diameter 75 mm) has an easy-grip handle and can be used to give a gentle massage with veil masks or other soothing products, relieving skin inflammation in any area of ​​the body and face.
We use Duralumin (beer can material) which has a conductivity three times that of metal. The Duralumin plate is capable of maintaining the cooling effect for up to 3 hours.


The ideal skin temperature is 31°C

When skin temperature rises 1°C, sebum secretion increases and pores appear more dilated.

If it reaches 36.5°C, the dermis begins to be damaged.

If it reaches 40°C, the production of the enzyme that breaks down collagen increases, causing wrinkles and aging.


It is a medical therapy that uses low temperatures to treat muscle pain, sprains, inflammation and various skin conditions.

Our Cryo Cooler is based on the mechanism of cryotherapy, relieving the heat of skin irritated after sun exposure or sensitized by medical procedures such as lasers or peels.

*It is not a medical device that prevents or cures diseases.

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