Help & FAQs

How can we help you?



Can I cancel an order?

We completely get it, we change our minds too! While we wish could, once an order is placed, we are unable to alter or cancel it at this time. We hope to have a cancellation window one day in the future.

Should the item(s) not work out, make sure to exchange for a preferred style or return for a refund. As a reminder, domestic return shipping is free.

I have received an incorrect or damaged product, what do I do?

We want to speak to you too! Contact us with any questions, concerns, or feedback. We will be sure to get back to you within 48 hours. However, please note that inquiries sent on Fridays will receive a reply the following Monday, but possibly sooner.

I want to buy everything I need for a facial care routine, but I don't know which products might work for me.

No problem! Our expert Beauty Advisors are here for that. You can send an email to with the subject “Consult products”. In order to find the products that best suit your skin, don't forget to tell us the type of skin you have, your concerns, age and what you want to change about your skin.


How much is the shipping?

We currently ship to the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK. To inquire about shipping to a different destination, please contact us.

How long does it take for the order to arrive at my house?

Standard shipping normally takes 3-5 days. Next day shipping is available on all domestic orders (for an additional charge). International shipping times depend on the products and destination (estimated at checkout).

Do you ship to my area?

We ship to Spain peninsula, Balearic Islands, Portugal and Portuguese islands, and to the EU. We are working to expand shipping areas.


Can I return a product?

Of course! Please read our returns policy here: Shipping and returns


I am a company and I am interested in selling your products…

At International Cosmetic we distribute the best cosmeceuticals that comply with our philosophy and have been chosen carefully and with great care. We will be delighted to have you join our family. If you have a cosmetics store, beauty salon, medical center or pharmacy, contact us at or complete the following form: Associated Centers Form

Do not you find what you are looking for?

If the answers you're looking for aren't in our FAQ, please send us an email by completing the form below.

El responsable del tratamiento es INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC GROUP. La finalidad de la recogida de datos es la de poder atender sus cuestiones, sin ceder sus datos a terceros. Tiene derecho a saber qué información tenemos sobre usted, corregirla o eliminarla tal y como se explica en nuestra Política de Privacidad.