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Balancing Tonic

22,95€ 27,00€
Este tónico facial equilibra el pH, revitaliza y prepara la piel para los cuidados posteriores. Reduce la apariencia del poro y minimiza las manchas. Tónico facial purificante esencial en el cuidado de la piel. Ideal para cualquier tipo de piel.
  • Inhibe la acumulación descontrolada de melanina, de este modo se atenúan las manchas, mejorando el tono y la luminosidad del rostro
  • Hidrata la piel y mejora la función barrera epidérmica, por lo que se disminuyen las rojeces en el rostro y mejoran el aspecto y jugosidad
  • El equilibrio que aporta consigue que la piel se encuentre en su estado óptimo para recibir los cuidados posteriores
  • Está elaborado con un 99,3% de ingredientes naturales
  • Nut-Free
  • Perfume-Free
  • Ammonia-Free
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Tamaño: 250 ml
Categoría: Tonics
Tipo de Piel: All skin types, Acneic Skin, Oily Skin, Mixed Skin, Dry Skin, Sensitive Skin, Normal Skin INFO
Preocupación: Hyperpigmentation, Dilated Pores / Blackheads, Sensitivity, Redness, Brightness
Ingredientes Clave: Niacinamide, Aloe vera, Rosa Damascena, Seawater
Rutina recomendada INFO
Tone 2 times/day


Damask Rose Flower Water

All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Sourced from plants
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Masking, Skin Conditioning, Skin Protecting
  • Can have a moisturizing/hydrating effect on your skin.
  • Can have a softening effect.
  • Can have a soothing effect.

Aloe vera leaf juice

All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Sourced from plants
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Skin Conditioning
  • Can have a moisturizing/hydrating effect on your skin.
  • Can have a softening effect.
  • Can have a soothing effect.

Vitamin B3

All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Can have different sources. (Synthetic, Botanical)
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Smooting


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Sourced from plants
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Absorbent, Binding, Emulsion Stabilising, Film Forming, Hair Conditioning, Skin Conditioning
  • Used as an emulsifier to homogeneously mix ingredients.
  • Can have a moisturizing/hydrating effect on your skin.
  • Can have a softening effect.
  • Can have a soothing effect.


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Can have different sources. (Synthetic, Botanical)
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Solvent, Viscosity Controlling

Honey Extract

All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Sourced from animals
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Moisturizing
  • Can have a moisturizing/hydrating effect on your skin.


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Can have different sources. (Synthetic, Botanical, Bacteria)
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Buffering, Chelating, Masking
  • Can have an anti-acne effect.
  • Is a alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which can reduce discoloration, roughness and wrinkling.


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Can have different sources. (Synthetic, Botanical)
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Chelating


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Synthetically created
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Anticorrosive, Masking, Preservative
  • Has preservative properties and can prevent the development of microbes once product is opened
  • Can cause reactions to sensitive skin.
  • Can cause allergic reactions.


All information below describes only this specific ingredient and its possible effects, utilities and sources. Usage and effect of the ingredient may differ per formulation of each product.

  • Can have different sources. (Synthetic, Botanical)
  • Can have the following uses in cosmetics: Preservative
  • Has preservative properties and can prevent the development of microbes once product is opened
  • Can cause allergic reactions.



El Tónico Equilibrante 5punto5 cuenta con una alta concentración de activos, donde el 99,3% del total de ingredientes de la fórmula es de origen natural. Su cuidada formulación con destilados florales de rosas y agua marina junto a agentes hidratantes y vitaminas hidrosolubles, regula y equilibra la actividad de la piel.
Su fórmula incluye:
  • Agua de mar purificada: Aporta minerales y oligoelementos. Disminuye la perdida de agua transepidérmica. Mejora la función barrera de la piel.
  • Hidrolato de Rosas: Propiedades refrescantes. Propiedades antinflamatorias. Propiedades regeneradoras Alto contenido en vitamina C y vitaminas del grupo B y E.
  • Aloe Barbadensis: Alta capacidad antioxidante e hidratante ya que los mucílagos de su composición favorecen la captación de agua.
  • Niacinamida: Potente capacidad antioxidante. Mejora de la función barrera: aumenta la síntesis de ceramidas, estimula la diferenciación de los queratinocitos, disminuye el enrojecimiento de la piel. Despigmentante. Seborregulador.
  • Extracto de Miel: Alta capacidad antioxidante. Alta capacidad antiinflamatoria. Propiedades emolientes y humectantes Efecto reparador y regenerador de la piel.

Aqua Maris, Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Nicotinamide, Maltodextrin, Propanediol, Mel Extract, Citric Acid , Phytic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate

Mode of employment


Aplica el Tónico Equilibrante después de limpiar la piel.
Lo puedes aplicar:

  1. Con un algodón o muselina, mediante suaves toques sobre la piel o movimientos circulares suaves (sin frotar).
  2. Con una gasa, consiguiendo un pequeño efecto exfoliante.
  3. Directamente en el rostro con las manos, ejerciendo presión sobre la piel (toques suaves con suavidad y sin frotar). Ten en cuenta que deberás limpiarte siempre las manos antes de tocarte la cara.
  4. A modo de bruma. Pulveriza a unos 25 cm de distancia. Mantén los ojos cerrados.

No olvides pasar el tónico por el cuello, el escote y detrás de las orejas. Espera unos momentos antes de aplicar el siguiente cuidado.
Se debe usar por la mañana y por la noche.


¿Cuáles son los beneficios del tónico facial? ​​¿Para qué se usa un tónico facial?

Los beneficios del tónico facial de 5punto5 son los siguientes:
  • Retira cualquier residuo que haya podido quedar tras la limpieza.
  • Hidrata la piel.
  • Restaura el pH idóneo de la piel.
  • Mejora la función barrera de la piel, con lo que vas a disminuir las rojeces y vas a fortalecer la piel frente a agentes agresores externos.
  • Se consigue mejorar el tono y el aspecto de la piel, incluso disminuir la apariencia de las manchas.
  • Mejorar la apariencia de las arrugas finas o de expresión.
  • Ayuda a absorber mejor el serum o crema del tratamiento posterior.
¿Cuándo usar tónico facial?

El tónico facial se usa dos veces al día (mañana y noche). Si se hace deporte, antes y después de la actividad física. Si se utiliza en formato bruma, siempre que se quiera aportar mayor hidratación y calmar a tu piel con nuestro tónico facial sin alcohol.
¿Es bueno usar tónico facial todos los días?

Sí, es muy recomendable incorporar el tónico facial en la rutina diaria para todo tipo de pieles siempre que sea adecuada su formulación para nuestro tipo de piel. El tónico equilibrante ejerce su función como tónico facial para piel normal, tónico facial piel sensible, tónico facial piel grasa y tónico facial piel mixta.
¿Es importante el tónico facial?

Sí, el tónico facial es importante si queremos cuidar la piel de una forma integral. Eso sí, es muy importante su formulación para ver si vamos a conseguir los objetivos que estamos buscando con su uso.
¿Para qué sirve el tónico de agua de rosas?

El agua o hidrolato de rosas tiene las siguientes propiedades, que lo hace un activo muy interesante para utilizarlo en un tónico facial. De esta forma ejerce como tónico de agua de rosas.
  • Propiedades refrescantes
  • Calmante y descongestionante (reduce el enrojecimiento)
  • Astringente suave
  • Antiséptico
  • Previene las líneas de expresión

Balancing Tonic


Our Balancing Tonic is an alcohol-free and allergen-free facial toner that concludes the cleansing process by providing the balance that the skin needs, illuminating, anti-blemish power, eliminating redness and enhancing any product or routine that we apply afterwards; and all with a pleasant and light texture.
After the skin cleansing process, what better way to recover the lost balance than with a Balancing Toner . A facial toner that, thanks to its complete formula, will achieve:
  • Inhibits the uncontrolled accumulation of melanin, thus attenuating spots, improving the tone and luminosity of the face, thanks to its purifying facial tonic function.
  • They hydrate the skin and improve the epidermal barrier function, thus reducing redness on the face and improving its appearance and juiciness.
  • The balance it provides ensures that the skin is in its optimal state to receive subsequent care, which is why any product or routine that we apply after the Balancing Tonic will be enhanced and offer a better result.
This facial toner provides “what the skin needs.” In short, this facial toner tidies up your skin. It is suitable for all skin types, regardless of age, sex or skin condition at that time, any skin can benefit from its properties.
It works as a facial toner for normal skin, facial toner for oily skin and facial toner for combination skin. The Balancing Toner is an all-in-one, in addition, it is an alcohol-free facial toner, so it does not irritate the skin, and it acts as a rosewater toner, so it offers a pleasant aroma.
You can choose whether to use the mist mode cap or the traditional cap. They both come in the packaging.
You're going to love it:
  • The feeling of calm it leaves on the skin.
  • It is made with 99.3% natural ingredients.
  • Its rose scent.
  • 0% aromas or fragrances.
  • 100% alcohol free.
  • Its size (lasts months).
Dermatologically tested.
Tónico Equilibrante de 5punto5

Balancing Tonic

From 3,32€ 3,90€

Balancing Tonic


Our Balancing Tonic is an alcohol-free and allergen-free facial toner that concludes the cleansing process by providing the balance that the skin needs, illuminating, anti-blemish power, eliminating redness and enhancing any product or routine that we apply afterwards; and all with a pleasant and light texture.
After the skin cleansing process, what better way to recover the lost balance than with a Balancing Toner . A facial toner that, thanks to its complete formula, will achieve:This facial toner provides “what the skin needs.” In short, this facial toner tidies up your skin. It is suitable for all skin types, regardless of age, sex or skin condition at that time, any skin can benefit from its properties.
It works as a facial toner for normal skin, facial toner for oily skin and facial toner for combination skin. The Balancing Toner is an all-in-one, in addition, it is an alcohol-free facial toner, so it does not irritate the skin, and it acts as a rosewater toner, so it offers a pleasant aroma.
You can choose whether to use the mist mode cap or the traditional cap. They both come in the packaging.
You're going to love it: Dermatologically tested.


  • 250ml
  • 30ml
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