Multivitamin Junior Oral Spray

9,92€ 12,40€
Valens Multivitamin Junior is a nutritional presentation in the form of a practical oral spray with an excellent orange flavor. It contains a perfect combination of vitamins in doses adapted to children. Children especially love it for its pleasant taste and fun use.
Orange flavor
Presentation: 25 ml
Recommended daily dose: 2 sprays for children from 3 years old, 4 sprays for children over seven years old
For 30-60 days.
Tamaño: 25 ml
Rutina recomendada INFO



Active ingredients (in 2 sachets): thiamine: 0.5 mg (63% VAT*), riboflavin: 0.21 mg (23% VAT*), niacin: 2.4 mg (24% VAT*), pantothenic acid: 2 mg (50% VAT*), vitamin B6: 0.5 mg (100% VAT*), biotin: 0.015 mg (100% VAT*), folic acid: 0.15 mg (50% VAT*), vitamin B12 : 0.001 mg (67% VAT*), vitamin A: 0.2 mg (29% VAT*), vitamin D: 0.01 mg or 400 IU (200% VAT*), vitamin E: 1.8 mg (23 % VAT*), vitamin C: 12 mg (17% VAT*). *VAT - recommended daily intake
Ingredients: water, sweetener: xylitol (30%), concentrated orange juice (8%), sodium L-ascorbate, cholecalciferol, orange flavor, DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, nicotinamide, calcium D-pantothenate, acetate retinyl, preservative: sodium benzoate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thickener: xanthan gum, thiamine hydrochloride, sodium riboflavin-5-phosphate, pteroylmonoglutamic acid, D-biotin, methylcobalamin.
Valens Multivitamin Junior does not contain gluten, gelatin, alcohol, lactose or artificial colours. It is also suitable for vegetarians. It contains xylitol, which is also naturally present in some types of fruits.

How to use


Modo de empleo: Agitar bien antes de usar. Rocíe directamente en la boca. La dosis diaria recomendada a partir de los 3 años es de 2 pulverizaciones al día, y para niños mayores de 7 años, 4 pulverizaciones. En este caso, el contenido es suficiente para 30-60 días.
Almacenamiento: Almacenar en un lugar seco y oscuro a una temperatura de hasta 25 °C. Úselo dentro de los 3 meses posteriores a la apertura.
Seguridad: Todos los componentes del producto se encuentran en dosis seguras para el consumo.
Advertencia: No olvides la importancia de una dieta variada y un estilo de vida saludable. Un complemento nutricional no sustituye a una dieta equilibrada y variada. No se deben exceder las cantidades diarias recomendadas o la dosis. ¡Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños! Un consumo excesivo puede tener un efecto laxante.


Multivitamin Junior Oral Spray

Valens Multivitamin Junior is an innovative nutritional form in the form of a practical oral spray that allows easy and precise dosing. The product was created with children in mind as it has a great orange flavor that children love. The product contains a perfect combination of all essential vitamins in child-friendly doses. We recommend it in times of psychophysical stress and greater possibilities of infections.
A blend of all essential vitamins.
Multivitamin products are among the most common nutritional supplements. They are products that contain a mixture of several vitamins, but minerals or other nutrients can also be added. Typically, these products contain all (or most) of the vitamins, but certainly those that are most important for the human body and its normal functioning. These include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E.
Multivitamin food supplements are used to strengthen or maintain resistance or the normal functioning of the immune system, and are especially useful as a compensation for poor eating habits. Since we can only consume enough vitamins (and other nutrients) with a varied diet, products of this type are welcome if our lifestyle does not allow us to eat quality foods.
Lack or risk of multivitamin deficiency is particularly common in the following groups:
  • Vegans and vegetarians: by not consuming foods of animal origin, they must ensure the intake of certain vitamins that are only found there in another form. These are mainly vitamins of group B (B12).
  • Pregnant and lactating women, children: The body's needs for most nutrients increase during pregnancy, lactation, and growth spurts (in children).
  • Older adults: Older adults are known to have a harder time absorbing nutrients in their gastrointestinal tract, which means their bodies eliminate many important substances. For older adults, supplementation with B vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin D is very important.
Multivitamin Junior Oral Spray de Valens

Multivitamin Junior Oral Spray

9,92€ 12,40€

Multivitamin Junior Oral Spray

Valens Multivitamin Junior is an innovative nutritional form in the form of a practical oral spray that allows easy and precise dosing. The product was created with children in mind as it has a great orange flavor that children love. The product contains a perfect combination of all essential vitamins in child-friendly doses. We recommend it in times of psychophysical stress and greater possibilities of infections.
A blend of all essential vitamins.
Multivitamin products are among the most common nutritional supplements. They are products that contain a mixture of several vitamins, but minerals or other nutrients can also be added. Typically, these products contain all (or most) of the vitamins, but certainly those that are most important for the human body and its normal functioning. These include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E.
Multivitamin food supplements are used to strengthen or maintain resistance or the normal functioning of the immune system, and are especially useful as a compensation for poor eating habits. Since we can only consume enough vitamins (and other nutrients) with a varied diet, products of this type are welcome if our lifestyle does not allow us to eat quality foods.
Lack or risk of multivitamin deficiency is particularly common in the following groups:
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