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Affiliate FAQ’s

Affiliation marketing

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliation marketing is an online marketing strategy that is based on the following principle: we (International Cosmettic), which we are an ecommerce, and an affiliate who undertakes to promote our products or services in exchange for a commission of the possible sales resulting.

What is an affiliate?

An affiliate normally has a blog or content page that is growing in traffic and visits and wants to take advantage of it to earn money. You want to monetize your page or blog. The trust that inspires both users and the company with which the selection of products and commercial relations that the date begins the affiliation program is essential.

The affiliate makes available its website, an advertising space and the scope and traffic of its website that is channeled towards International Cosmetic.

What are the benefits of affiliation marketing?

  • Profitable: International Cosmetic only pays the affiliate if the customer makes a purchase of a product. That is, the affiliate attracts a possible customer to our website, and if this customer ends up making a purchase, both we and the affiliate win.
  • Simple analytics: Affiliated programs can be easily followed through statistics and data with which to make metrics, comparisons and studies.
  • Constant income flow: Even without being behind the computer, being a job that depends on traffic, redirections and purchases through the Internet, money can be achieved at any time.
  • Safe work: It has virtually no risk, you do not have to invest in products or services to market but "promote" our articles. In the same way, we do not incur expenses if the process does not work.
  • Simply sell what is related to your sector: If it gives the chance that you have a very well positioned blog about cosmetics, because the most logical option is to "promote" cosmetic products. If you have a good content you can get adequate traffic to channel towards our website, with which you keep the affiliation.

How does it work at a technical level?

Our affiliation system is based on a technical level on cookies. An example could be as follows:

A customer arrives at the affiliate's blog or website and clicks on a link or banner that takes you to our website, establishing a cookie in the user's browser.  If you finally make a purchase, the process is traced with the cookie, which is able to identify the affiliate and already assess the amount of the commission for the service.

First steps

Affiliate account record

The first step is to register on our website as an affiliate, for which you must send us the application from This page.

An administrator will review each request with detail to see if the medium you have chosen to promote our website fits our requirements.

The status of a application can acquire the following states:

  • Request sent: We are reviewing your application and no commissions are still generated and you have partial access to the affiliate panel.
  • ACCEPTED APPLICATION: Your application has been accepted and you can start your work as an affiliate.
  • Rejected request: Your application has not been accepted.  If you want to know more reasons, get in touch with us at indicating your registration email.

Every time the status of your account is updated, you receive an email to the email address indicated during the registration.

Suspended or blocked affiliate account

We reserve the right of block either suspend Your affiliate account at any time if we detect fraud, abuse or manifest breach of our affiliate terms and conditions.

During the time that your account is blocked or suspended, we will investigate the matter and get in touch with you (you will also receive an email of this circumstance). Affiliate commissions are not generated While your account is blocked or suspended.

Family with the affiliate panel

Once your account has been accepted and activated, since My account -> Affiliate Panel You will have access to everything you need, including statistics, commission and payments reports, and the affiliate link generator.

Affiliate panel

How to access the affiliate panel

Once you have registered and sent your application to be affiliated, we will review all the data, and if your application is accepted, all you will have to do is press on the login icon (upper right of our website), and access with the email and password you used in the registry.

Once logo, go to My account -> Affiliate Panel.

Main panel

It is the main desktop of your affiliate account.  In it you can see statistics and details such as:

  • Affiliation rate: The commission porcantage that you take over sales.
  • Total benefits: The total benefits or commissions you have generated since you are affiliated.
  • Total paid:  The commission payments that have been paid.
  • Total refunded:  Customers have the right to change their minds and return their bought products requesting a refund.  In this situation, the import of the total (or partial) order and its commissions are also reimbursed and will no longer proceed.
  • Visits: The times that a unique user has pressed in an affiliate link on your website or blog, redirecting our website.
  • Conversion rate: Porcantage of the visits that you have generated to our website and have made a purchase or order.

Commission panel

In the commission panel you can see all the commissions you have generated, detailed by product sold.  You can filter the commissions by date.

The status of the commissions is linked to the status of an order:

  • Not confirmed: This state generally appears when the client pays by bank transfer, or in the period of time in which the payment catwalk sends us the confirmation that the payment has been made.  If the client has paid by transfer, this is the state that will appear until the transfer will be made, let's check that it has been, and the order changes to pay.
  • Earring: The State that takes a commission once the request has been paid, whatever the payment method.  It means that the commission is ready to be paid.
  • CANCELED: When the order of the order goes to canceled or failed.  There are different reasons why this state may appear, the most common is for the client to begin payment through a catwalk like postponement or bizum, and leave the process without paying.  Or erroneous data when entering your card data.
  • Refunded: When the order status is reimbursed.  The refund can be total (of all the acquired products) or partial (by the acquired products). You will only deduct the amount in the commissions of those products that the customer has returned.
  • Paid: The commissions that have been admitted to your Stripe account.

NOTE: On certain occasions and if the customer who has made the purchase has achieved a gift product at cost 0, you will see these products in the commissions panel but the gift products do not generate commission since their cost is free for the customer.

Consult more information in Commissions and payments

Click panel

In this panel you can check the performance of your affiliate links with all the clicks made on them during the last 60 days.  You can filter the clicks by date.

He state may vary between:

  • Unconverted: It is a click made by a customer in one of your affiliate links, but in the end they have not made purchase on our website.
  • Converted: It is a click made by a customer in one of your affiliate links, and that has ended up making a purchase on our website.

Payment panel

In this panel you can check all the commission payments that have been made to your Stripe account.  You can filter payments by date.

The commission payments are made as of every month, and include all pending commissions with an age greater than 30 days.  We give this period of 30 days, since it is the deadline during which the customer can return the products, and therefore, it would affect the state of the commission.  Once these 30 days have been exceeded, the commission is ready to be transferred to your Stripe account.

A payment contains or can therefore contain multiple commissions.  The status of a payment may vary between:

  • Earring: International Cosmetic has made the transfer or payment of the commissions to your Stripe connected account, and we are waiting for Stripe to confirm the operation.
  • Completed: Stripe has confirmed that the transfer has been correct and is on the way or is already in your Stripe account.

Consult more information in Commissions and payments


In this panel you can generate all the affiliate links you want.  By default, when your affiliate account is activated, you are assigned an affiliate ID and a main or reference link that will be of the type:  This link, when clicking by a customer, would lead to our home page  Your Affiliate ID is passed in the URL, so when it is detected by our website, we know which affiliate comes and to whom to assign the commissions.

Because only the products, when bought by a customer, generate commissions, you will often want to share a link not to our home page but to a specific product.  Imagine that you have created a post on your website talking about one of our products, p.ej. Skin perfecting 2% bha liquid, and you want to generate an affiliate link that directly redirects to this product.  To do this, you must first go to that product on our website, copy the URL that would be:, Paste it to the URL field of the page, and press the generate button.  In this way, you would be provided by the affiliate link with your ID that would be: XXXXX.  This is the link that you must put on your website, blog, or the electronic medium you have chosen to promote our site.

If once you have generated the link, instead of putting it on your website or blog, you want to share it on social networks, by mail or whatsapp, you can do it in the share section.  Following the previous example, by sharing the link generated, a link is created with the image, name and brief description of the product (in this case Skin Perfecting 2% Bha Liquid), with a link to that product and that already includes your ID of Affiliated, so when someone press that shared link, our system will be able to know where that visit comes from and to whom to assign the commissions.  The options available in sharing are currently: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Email and WhatsApp.

Settings panel

These adjustments are what you complete and send when registering as an affiliate, but you can modify them later here.  In addition, you can configure what types of notifications by email you want to receive.

If you change the “website” or “how you will promote our site” settings, it will be verified again for us to verify that everything is correct.

Commissions and payments

Affiliate commissions

Every time someone from one of your affiliate links make a purchase, a commission for you will be generated.  Only the products or services we offer on our website generate commissions.  There are some exceptions:

  • The purchases made by the affiliate itself do not generate commissions.
  • The gift products we offer on our website for free, do not generate commissions.
  • Customer reimbursed products or returns do not generate commissions.

Commissions persistence

When a customer visits our website from an affiliate link and makes a purchase, in addition to the commission for that purchase, a link is established in the profile of that customer with your affiliate id.  So you not only generate commissions by that client that you have brought to the web, but for the future purchases that this customer can make on our website, even if it access directly (without clicking on an affiliate link).

You have managed to bring us to this customer, and we will assign commissions for the future purchases of that customer.

There is an exception that can make this link in the customer profile change: if the client, navigating the web, click on a link from another affiliate and make purchase through it, this new affiliate will be assigned, for the That the commissions for future purchases of that customer will be assigned to the new affiliate, even if it directly access our website.

Commissions calculation

When calculating the commission, you must take into account that this calculation is carried out on the cost of the product Without VAT and No discounts.

  • If a product has no discount, the commission rate is applied to the result of subtracting the VAT from the product price.
  • If a product has a discount, the commission rate is applied to the result of subtracting the VAT and the product price discount

The discounts that we generally use on our website are discounts through coupons, and discounts in porcantage applied directly to the products.

NOTE: Commissions for the first purchase or following purchases of the same customer are calculated as follows:

  1. First purchase: The total of your agreed commission rate.
  2. Following purchases: 70% of your agreed commission rate (although the client directly access our website without clicking on an affiliate link of yours)

Commission rate

The general rates for every new affiliate will be those agreed with International Cosmetic.  Contact at

There are specific rates of products that prevail over the previous ones.  That is, if a certain product has a commission rate of 15%, that will be the rate that will be assigned by overwriting your affiliate rate.

Currently there are no commission rates assigned to products, we will update this section in the future so you know what products can be more profitable and generate more commission when advertising them.


We use a third -party system to handle payments, through and through its platform Stripe Connect. It is necessary to follow the process of connecting your stripe account to ours, and keep it connected during the time that the relationship lasts so that we can transfer the commissions to your Stripe account. You can review here the Terms and conditions of Stripe Connect.

Because the status of a commission is linked to the status of an order, if the order is in any of the following states Commission is not generated: Refunded, waiting, pending payment, canceled or failed.  Refunded orders can be on the part of the products included in the order or all of them, so only the products that have been returned or reimbursed will not generate commission.

We order the transfer of commissions to your Stripe connected account he day 1 in each month. Stripe can handle your own deadlines to send these transfers from your Stripe account to your bank account (which range between 3 and 7 days).

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