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4 Corundum Files (Large)

1,15€ 1,45€
It allows gradual filing thanks to the two types of weight. Suitable for all types of nails. The coarser grit red side for filing and the finer white side for polishing.
Categoría: Accessories, Nails
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Mode of employment


Lima siguiendo la forma natural de tus uñas y siempre en la misma dirección. Si quieres obtener una punta cuadrada, mantén la lima en posición perpendicular y recta. Si prefieres un acabado redondeado u ovalado, coloca la lima en ángulo por debajo del borde libre de la uñas y lima bien las esquinas.

4 Corundum Files (Large)

It allows gradual filing thanks to the two types of weight. Suitable for all types of nails. The coarser grit red side for filing and the finer white side for polishing.
4 Limas Corindón (Large) de Beter

4 Corundum Files (Large)

1,15€ 1,45€

4 Corundum Files (Large)

It allows gradual filing thanks to the two types of weight. Suitable for all types of nails. The coarser grit red side for filing and the finer white side for polishing.
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