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Facial Epilator

3,08€ 3,90€
Smooth, hairless face
Remove facial hair from the upper area of ​​the lips, chin and cheeks quickly and comfortably. Its stainless steel spiral traps the finest hair at the root, leaving your skin soft and beautiful for up to four weeks.
Do not use on eyebrows or around eyes.
Rutina recomendada INFO


Mode of employment


  1. Limpia el área a depilar y sécala
  2. Desliza el depilador hacia arriba para que la espiral ruede, mantén la piel tirante obtendrás mejores resultados
  3. Aplica alcohol, agua micelar o tu producto habitual para calmar la zona depilada. Puede aparecer enrojecimiento, sobre todo si tu piel es sensible, te recomendamos desinfectar la zona depilada y aplicar un producto calmante. También es importante que después de la depilación no tomes el sol en las siguientes 24-48 horas.
  4. Desinfecta la espiral después de cada uso.

Depilador Facial de Beter

Facial Epilator

Smooth, hairless face
Remove facial hair from the upper area of ​​the lips, chin and cheeks quickly and comfortably. Its stainless steel spiral traps the finest hair at the root, leaving your skin soft and beautiful for up to four weeks.
Do not use on eyebrows or around eyes.
Depilador Facial de Beter

Facial Epilator

3,08€ 3,90€

Facial Epilator

Smooth, hairless face
Remove facial hair from the upper area of ​​the lips, chin and cheeks quickly and comfortably. Its stainless steel spiral traps the finest hair at the root, leaving your skin soft and beautiful for up to four weeks.
Do not use on eyebrows or around eyes.


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