
16,40€ 20,50€

Oxygenated Natural Pink (Great for French): Rosa Natural (Perfecto para Manicura Francesa)

El color perfecto para tu manicura francesa clásica, nuestro delicado rosa claro otorga un estilo elegante y femenino a tu look diurno. Sutil pero elegante, su acabado semitransparente revela su punta blanca natural al mismo tiempo que garantiza una manicura recién pintada que dura.

La gama ganadora de múltiples premios de belleza L’Oxygéné, ha sido diseñada para ser:  Libre de 12 ingredientes tóxicos, Vegano, Certificado Cruelty Free, Certificado HALAL, Transpirable y oxigenante (permite el paso de oxígeno a la uña), Permeable a la humedad (permite el paso de agua/hidratación a la uña), Libre de Gluten.

Premios Nailberry
Tamaño: 15 ml
Categoría: Nails
Rutina recomendada INFO

Modo de empleo

  • Limpia las uñas con nuestro desmaquillante sin acetona para eliminar posibles restos de esmalte, aceites e impurezas.
  • Aplicar 1 capa del esmalte base. Recomendamos Strengthen & Breath Base Coat, ya que fortalece la uña, permitiendo que respire de forma natural.
  • Aplicar 1-2 capas de esmalte. Nuestro exclusivo cepillo ancho y cónico, ayuda a que el esmalte se aplique de manera uniforme y precisa.
  • Aplicar 1 capa del esmalte protector de alto brillo, recomendamos Shine & Breathe Top Coat, para completar la manicura saludable, transpirable y proteger su hermoso color.



Nuestros esmaltes L’Oxygéné lujosos, galardonados con múltiples premios y libres de toxinas, tienen en cuenta la salud futura de sus uñas y utilizan tecnología patentada para brindar una manicura más saludable. Estamos orgullosos de:
  • Libres de 12 ingredientes tóxicos
  • Transpirable y oxigenante
  • Permeable al agua
  • Vegano
  • Certificado Cruelty Free
  • Certificado Halal
  • Sin gluten
Los abrillantadores L'Oxygéné están formulados sin ftalatos, incluidos DBP, tolueno, formaldehído, resina de formaldehído, alcanfor, xileno, etil tosilamida, trifenil fosfato, alcohol, parabenos, derivados animales y gluten.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Fácil de aplicar, duración como todos los esmaltes no permanentes, y el,color es muy bonito aunque requiere dos capas para que no sea un simple brillo. En cualquier caso, me gusta.

ramona neacsu

Me gusta el color, la textura, aguanta bien, pero no mas que otros esmaltes de otras marcas buenas.

Carmen Fernandez Suarez

Me encanta el color. Muy duradero.


L'Oxygéné is Nailberry's multi-award-winning, luxurious nail polish. Uses patented technology to provide a healthier manicure without compromising color. Each high coverage, Long Wear & High Shine shade has been formulated to be:

Free of 12 toxic ingredients: Formulated free of Phthalates including DBP, Toluene, Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, Xylene, Ethyl Tosylamide, Triphenyl Phosphate, Alcohol, Parabens, without animal derivatives & gluten.

Breathable / Oxygenating and Water Permeable: L'Oxygéné uses the latest technology to offer a color film that allows air and water vapor to pass through it, ensuring that the nature of the nail is fully respected while you wear your makeup. . They are not occlusive so they do not turn yellow, allowing them to breathe.

Halal Certified: L'Oxygéné has been certified by the internationally recognized Halal Integrity Alliance (LG05848) to comply with Halal Hygiene Guidelines.

Long wear, high shine and incredible colours: L' Oxygéné has been specifically developed for high wear, high coverage with high impact colors and incredible shine for a salon finish in your own home.

Vegan & not tested on animals: L'Oxygéné is proud to be certified by PETA as Cruelty Free & Vegan

Gluten Free: Formulated to be gluten free

Elegance de Nailberry


16,40€ 20,50€


L'Oxygéné is Nailberry's multi-award-winning, luxurious nail polish. Uses patented technology to provide a healthier manicure without compromising color. Each high coverage, Long Wear & High Shine shade has been formulated to be:

Free of 12 toxic ingredients: Formulated free of Phthalates including DBP, Toluene, Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, Xylene, Ethyl Tosylamide, Triphenyl Phosphate, Alcohol, Parabens, without animal derivatives & gluten.

Breathable / Oxygenating and Water Permeable: L'Oxygéné uses the latest technology to offer a color film that allows air and water vapor to pass through it, ensuring that the nature of the nail is fully respected while you wear your makeup. . They are not occlusive so they do not turn yellow, allowing them to breathe.

Halal Certified: L'Oxygéné has been certified by the internationally recognized Halal Integrity Alliance (LG05848) to comply with Halal Hygiene Guidelines.

Long wear, high shine and incredible colours: L' Oxygéné has been specifically developed for high wear, high coverage with high impact colors and incredible shine for a salon finish in your own home.

Vegan & not tested on animals: L'Oxygéné is proud to be certified by PETA as Cruelty Free & Vegan

Gluten Free: Formulated to be gluten free

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